A single banana for $5.00, a pound of grapes for $65.00, an apple for $10.00, and a whole canteloupe for $150.00? MizuNobu is the Luis Vuitton of fruit stores in Japan. The fruits sold here are the best of the crop and usually are grown by specialty farmers that focus more on the quality that the quantity produced. Fruits in Japan are grown and sold according to its season and graded upon quality. You will never find a fruit sold, for example, strawberries or any other fruit for that matter, when they are not in season. They are grown, and packed with the highest care. All fruits are grown until they are fully ripe and then picked and sold. Strawberries are sold fully ripe and packed according to size. It's kind of embarrassing when we get in American strawberries at work when most of the time they are 1/4 green and packed in all sorts of sizes.
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