Here's something I have never found in a cake shop in America-chiboust tart. An apple tart made with sauteed apples and baked with a custard mixture and then topped with a chiboust cream made from creme patissier bound with gelatin and lightened with a meringue.
hiya..i enjoyed very much looking at all yr bakes and reading yr blog. But
the recipe corner is missing and it was there 2 weeks ago when i visited yr blog. I find it very helpful and shock at the same time, are u able to sent me a copy to my mail.. mrry_lim@hotmail.com
hi there..today the recipe corner appear on yr site again..not sure why i was not able to see it before..lol
But i think its missing a few recipes such as macarons and some japanese cakes but not able to find them now. Are u able to share the full copy and sent to my mail .thanks
Btw its it okay to have yr email.
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